[OpenSPIM] Fwd: [micro-manager-general] Announcement: Micro-Manager 2.0 Alpha

Johannes Schindelin johannes.schindelin at gmx.de
Tue Jul 7 15:30:10 CDT 2015


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [micro-manager-general] Announcement: Micro-Manager 2.0 Alpha
Date: 2015-07-07 21:06
 From: Chris Weisiger <cweisiger at msg.ucsf.edu>
To: Micro-Manager General <micro-manager-general at lists.sourceforge.net>
Reply-To: Micro-Manager General 
<micro-manager-general at lists.sourceforge.net>

Folks, I'm pleased to announce that the first alpha build of 
2.0 is now available. Version 2.0 will be a major overhaul of
Micro-Manager's user interface (UI) and of the way the Java layer 
image data. It's designed to be easier to use than 1.4 (i.e. the current
official releases), while remaining backwards compatible with it. We'd
appreciate your assistance in testing it; while we've done a heck of a 
of testing already, there's always the potential for bugs to sneak in

Support for Micro-Manager 1.4 is going to continue for the foreseeable
future; we aren't going to shift all of our development focus to 2.0 
it's ready. Still, we believe that 2.0 is a major improvement over 1.4.
We've worked really hard to make this version of Micro-Manager the best 
can be. Examples of some of the many new features in the UI include:

  * An overhauled image display window with controls readily at hand
  * "Inspector" windows for easy access to histograms, metadata, and 
allowing for side-by-side comparisons of multiple datasets
  * The ability to synchronize aspects of the display across multiple
windows, so windows can share histogram scalings, always show the same Z
slice, etc.
  * A user profile system so each user of the program can have their own
saved settings
  * Timestamp and scale bar overlays
  * A much better "day/night" system for more pleasant use in darkrooms

Here's a screenshot of the new UI:

Additionally, the Java API has been vastly expanded and simplified (the
Core API is untouched). If you're a developer who works with 
you should appreciate easy access to image data and metadata, control 
customization of image display windows, access to events, and more. On 
flip side, many old methods in the API are unfortunately no longer
available, so your plugins that depend on those methods will need to be
updated. We hope to keep this version of the API stable for many years 
come. For more information on the API, please see our wiki 

NOTE: as this is an alpha build, we cannot promise that it is "safe". It
does not modify the hardware control systems or the MDA, but data files 
generates will differ from data files generated in 1.4, if only in the
metadata. While I would love for people to try acquiring data with 2.0, 
can't recommend that you do serious, high-stakes science with it just 
Additionally, while 2.0 can read data files generated with 1.4, the 
may not be the case. Be careful about mixing files from 1.4 and 2.0.

You can download the most recent version of the alpha build from here:

If you find bugs, please let us know! If you have comments or feedback,
please let us know! If you have questions or requests, please let us 
You can email the main mailing list (
micro-manager-general at lists.sourceforge.net) or our internal email 
address (
info at micro-manager.org) for more private reports. Either way, please put
"[2.0]" in the email subject line so we can easily recognize that your
email relates to the alpha.

Additionally, we are moving our development towards using GitHub. Our
GitHub account is here:

You can file bug reports via the "Issues" link in the top-right. If you
want to download the source code for 2.0, use the "mm2" branch, not the
"master" branch.

Thank you for your time, and thanks for using Micro-Manager!

-Chris and the rest of the Micro-Manager team

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